How To Keep Your Man Faithful Forever

By Delaw4christ1 and Ogbodorex

  Ten Keys To A Successful Relationship

Relationship is indeed full of ups and downs. Many cheat  in relationship,  but this article provides you with some points you must consider if you want your spouse to be faithful to you at all times.

1. Commitment
It will save the most challenged of relationships. It is the willingness to do whatever it takes to build a strong marriage. There are many reasons why anyone should simply call it a day.
Commitment is about pressing on for the greater good of the entire family. It’s about seeing beyond the present circumstances and casting your vision beyond your children’s children. Commitment knows only patience, endurance, perseverance and goes against the norm pressing on until the best presents itself.
2. Communication
Communication is vital for the sustainability of a good healthy relationship. It is the fuel that keeps the relationship together. Without communication, there is instant breakdown and the relationship crumbles.
When partners don’t communicate, every other aspect of the intimacy is lost; physical, recreational, spiritual, social and intellectual intimacy becomes something of the past.
Communication is both verbal and non-verbal and the process involves respect for each other as well as active energy and enthusiasm on the part of both parties.
3. Respect
Respect has greater value to most than LOVE. How do you tell me you love me when you disrespect me? Is a question asked many times? To enjoy a thriving, fruitful and happy relationship, respect needs to be the number one among other top priorities. It’s worth noting that respect is earned.
Even when it is not deserved, respect and honor should be given because where respect thrives there is trust, love, and support for one another, freedom and a great intimacy. Before you can show respect to your partner, it is prudent to give yourself some respect. After all that is how you will teach others to treat you.
4. Quality time, not quantity
Spending time with your partner goes a long way in expressing your love, affection, affirmation and respect for them. Planning quality time together bring about bonding, trust, oneness and builds intimacy levels.
Quality time is a language of love. Garry Chapman would say give your partner undivided attention for it is a primary love language and if you don’t give them quality time, they will not feel loved.
5. Choose your words wisely
Words have the power for life and death and it is helpful to choose words wisely. Before choosing to use verbal abuse, think again because the words pierce through bone and marrow and the sting will last a long time.
There is the passive aggressive abuser who is subtle yet leaves the partner devastated, with a lot of pain, fear, frustration and to a large extent confusion constantly seeking to understand the abusive partner’s behavior.

6. Boundaries should be respected
Understand and respect your partner’s boundaries at all times, and be willing to make significant sacrifices to give them room for the same.

7. Apologizing doesn’t show weakness
Saying sorry, forgive me, excuse me, I was wrong, is a great strength and not a weakness. Apologize and seek the forgiveness of your partner. Make every effort to live in peace with one another.

8.Believe in Him
This is one quality every man expects from his woman but he never tells her. He wants you to believe in him, his vision, his abilities, his efforts, always remind him that "he's the best in the world". He has the potential to achieve anything achievable on earth. He will definitely stick to you.

9.Never Compare him with other men.
Some ladies are fund of "Jane's fiancee gives her 10k weekly, and I'm here asking for just 4k to make my hair, and you are complaining". My dear ladies, this is a big slap in his face, the pain he feels within can't be expressed in a week. Avoid comparison especially in a negative manner.

10. Keep it Secrete
Most ladies fail in this aspect especially when there's misunderstanding between you and your spouse. No matter the magnitude of your grieve and anger never share your spouse's weaknesses, flaws and shortcomings to a third party. Let's say for instance, he bed wets whenever he's drunk. You don't have to share that with anyone, you don't have to remind him of that when you both quarrel;keep it secret, do not reveal it to anyone. He may not recover from the emotional trauma this may cause him.

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